Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm losing my brain but the weekend is coming.

I have finally decided that I need to not only obtain a planner, but use it. I have had lots of planners in my life, but I have never really used them past the first week after I buy them. However, this was the first week of school and I already forgot three things... including going to a class. One of the other things I forgot (to put on mascara yesterday morning) isn't something I can write in a planner to remember. But, Rhonda-Mom told me that if I write down everything else then I won't be stressed and forget to do things like put on mascara. She is smart, I think I'm going to try it.

Oh, by the way, I dreamed that I performed heart surgery on my mother last night. It was stressful, too. And weird.

So, things are pretty crazy right now while I am trying to adjust to working full time in a fast pace job and go to school at the same time. But I do have one good thing to report-- the viewbook is done and printed!!! After working on it for 2 months, I held the final product in my hands today and it felt so good!


4 Reale said...

Why don't you use the planner you designed the cover for?

Just a thought.

Deidre said...

Congrats on finishing your project and apparently successful heart surgery on your mom (since we haven't gotten any phone calls to the contrary). Don't worry about the mascara thing. I forget it EVERY day these days, and I'm still functioning (if you can call it that).