Friday, February 27, 2009

Engagement Pics

JB and I had our engagement pics taken a week or two ago. We just got them back and so I thought I would post a few. A family friend of ours took them and did a great job!

Now I just have to finish designing the invitations...


jhjonze said...

THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL! You guys make such a cute couple.

So that little thing you are standing by in your backyard. I might need to come steal it for pictures of my own.

Oh and even if you don't want to, you have to send me an invitation. :)

Noelle said...

Oh lonijopi you look so beautiful! you Really do look great together. I can't wait to see your invites! Naturally, they will probably be as amazing looking as mine ;) I miss you! What's your new indian name going to be??

Meg said...

The photographer did an AMAZING job. I love the pictures. Very cute. We are very excited.

One Love Photo said...

Oh thanks for the link! Pretty CUTE set of photos you have here!!!!

Lucky Designs said...

Very cute! I love the picture in front of the yellow truck.