Friday, February 27, 2009

Engagement Pics

JB and I had our engagement pics taken a week or two ago. We just got them back and so I thought I would post a few. A family friend of ours took them and did a great job!

Now I just have to finish designing the invitations...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Color Pallets

Ok-- I just learned about this on Stephmodo's blog and I love it already.

It's a color pallet generator!

For example, I uploaded a pic of my friend Jeremy's wedding that I got off his facebook because I liked the colors. ...And VOILA! It makes instant color pallets for you. So cool.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My font! and easy!

Today on Design Mom's Blog I discovered a link to make a font of your own handwriting. And it was free, fast and easy! The site is your fonts.